A bit more about me…

Can you soften so much you allow yourself to not just see a flower but see a galaxy of 100 different colors? A world of possibilities…

Can you be so quiet you hear the symphony behind the pitter patter of rain drops on the roof?

Can you allow yourself to be breathed by your breath, to be moved by your body, to just be…?

Questions I ask myself again and again, questions that have no tangible answer, questions that shape and reshape my practice again and again.

I received my license in massage therapy in 2013 and became a certified Pilates instructor in 2015. My curiosity and awe of the human body and its multitudes has only grown since then. As a lifelong student and anatomy nerd I’ve taken 100s of hours of continuing education directly related to the body. My work is also informed by the countless hours of personal study and inquiry into Jungian psychology and archetypal relationships, dream inquiry, ritual work, breathwork, meditation practices, and somatic techniques. I love to peek behind the curtain whether it be to the deeper layers of the body or the shadowed corners of the psyche, I just always want to know more!

As a strong advocate for preventative health and rest as resistance, I consider self-care to be a form of community care. I full heartedly believe your capacity to show up for others more effectively grows exponentially by showing up for yourself and giving your body intentional care and support. I can speak to the truth of this from my own lived experience of space holding for others without allowing myself to receive the same support or care for years, only to crash and burn out in a major way with major health repercussions. I had to teach myself how to receive the medicine of what I had been giving, and while it’s not always “easy" to prioritize caring for oneself I do believe it is always worth it.

Outside of my “work” work my labor of love has been creating the podcast Little Gifts with my grandma Sue Ellen, we have weekly heart centered conversations that I am so happy we get to share with the world! My cup feels the fullest when I get to spend time with my loved ones or when I get to spend time outside with plant friends. A good fantasy book and a nap also don’t hurt anything :)

With all that said, thank you for your interest in my offerings and I hope to see you soon.